México, CDMX

 Community Archiving Workshop – 

Próximamente: información en español sobre el CAW en la Cuidad de México, enlaces importantes y mas.

Laboratorio Experimental de Cine (LEC) is CAW’s first non-US regional anchor site, providing support and information for partners in their region wishing to perform audiovisual preservation or hold a CAW. In April of 2020, LEC held a CAW in Mexico City, digitizing nearly 200 of the 1500 u-matic and beta sp tapes in the Colección Héctor Pardo. You can see samples of work digitized during the CAW at the Internet Archive.  The twitch channel, Aquelarre Gonzo Camarena, contains more footage, technical information, and conversation. 

CAW organizers: Walter Forsberg, Elena Pardo


Anchor site: Laboratorio Experimental de Cine, Mexico City

Contact: Próximamente  coming soon

Regional partners:


Coming soon

Mexico City, Distrito Federal, CDMX Documentation, Agendas, & Resources